RC Maker T4 & BD7 HRP towers & A800 brass shim plates
New from RC Maker come these GeoCarbon adjustable HRP (Horizontal Rear Post) shock towers for the Xray T4’20 (standard and low -3mm) and Yokomo BD10. These face your rear body posts backwards, and feature 1.5mm staggered holes for body height and rake adjustment. This system lowers the centre of gravity and increases body stability and downforce transfer from the wing directly into your shocks and tires creating a more stable car with increased corner speed. Additionally they also have released a new GeoCarbon front shock tower for the Yokomo BD10 to match and look the part. Next up are there popular roll centre shim plates for the Awesomatix A800, but made from brass. These are a great way to add weight down low and shift it front to rear on your car when using Long Arms. They also make changing your roll centre easier than ever, simply loosen the screws, slide the plate out and the new plate in and re-tighten. These are available in a set of 4 (2 front & 2 rear), and in 4 of the most common roll centre settings of 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 2.8mm. Their set weights vary from 6g to 9g depending on the thickness you choose.