August 23, 2007

Large Mugen Seiki Carrying bag

Mugen Large Carrying bag

Mugen Seiki in Japan have announced the release of this large blue carrying bag for hauling your gear to the track. We wrote briefly about it back in June, but only now have Mugen provided some more information on it. This large blue bag sports the Mugen logo screen printed on the outside and inside is 4 corrugated plastic drawers mounted within a frame. The internal size of the bag is 530mm x 315mm and the drawers are wipe able and resistant to high temperatures and moisture.

Source: Mugen Seiki []

August 23, 2007

HB Cyclone D4 Diff Maintenance kit

HB Cyclone D4 Diff Maintenance kit

We wrote about this differential maintenance kit from Hot Bodies back in June when it was first announced in Japan but we’ll mention it again because it is now on sale in Europe. This kit, which helps improve the life of your diff and eliminate any potential breakages, has a thicker 2.6mm differential screw along with a new longer heavy duty nut as well as new bigger thrust plates and balls.

Source: Mirage Racing []

August 23, 2007

GRP Multi Ring TC Foams

GRP Multi Ring TC Foams

Mirage Racing have started to promote these new multi ring touring car foam tires from Italian tire maker GRP. The Multi ring technology, essentially 5 rings of different tire compound on the one wheel, allows you to run a softer grade tyre for better forward traction while the structure allows for less lateral movement so you can run a bigger diameter tyre without suffering from traction roll and therefore having the advantage of longer runs with less wear. The foam comes pre mounted onĀ  these new wheels which are made with a special plastic material with a reinforced yet flexible structure to allow maximum strength and performance at any temperature and track.

Source: Mirage Racing []

August 23, 2007

Xray Height-Adjustable body mounts

Xray Height-Adjustable body mounts

Xray have released these new height-adjustable body posts for their T2 and NT1 chassis’. For serious racers who focus on small details, body height plays a very important role in the performance of the car and to accommodate this ultra-fine body height tuning was developed by the Xray R&D team. The body posts are a direct replacement for the standard versions, while the body holders themselves have the elevated mounting. +1mm and +2mm, which makes body height adjustment very easy. The new body-height adjustable body posts are available separately in a pair of front and rear, allowing for independent front and rear body height adjustments.

Source: Xray []

August 23, 2007

Serpent F180 Foam tires

Serpent F180 Foam tires

Serpent has released these high quality pre glued foam tires for their Formula car, the F180. Providing lots more grip than the original grooved rubber tires that come with the car, these tires have been trued to a much larger and more realistic diameter than standard 1/8th scale foam tires. Available in a variety of shore hardness, the rear tires are 82mm in diameter and the front tires 80mm, and both have been glued on to black plastic wheels to complete the realistic look.

Click more to see the front tires… content

August 22, 2007

Daily News Round-up

Red RC - Daily Round-up

A summary of other news pieces from around the internet today in our Red RC Round-up:

> Mirage Racing introduces the new Falcon .21 buggy engine – Link []
> Yokomo introduces a 4wd conversion kit for their SD12-TR – Link []
> Team Orion CRF Power engien TQ’s the Euros – Link []
> New Novak SS17.5 Pro Brushless motor – Link []
> Another Ferrari based Serpent F180 – Link []

August 22, 2007

RB Concept R3 LE Asymetric Cap

RB Concept R3 LE Asymetric Cap

Just a month after we showed you the new Asymetric Cap from RB Concept, out comes a limited edition R3 version of the same cap. Designed for the R3 addicted drivers, this high quality, soft touch asymetric cap celebrates the release of the new RB Concept R3.

Source: RB Products []

August 22, 2007

Velocity Racing V5000MAh LiPo Pack

Velocity Racing V5000MAh LiPo Pack

More battery news, this time from Japanese brand Velocity Racing who have released this new 5000MAh LiPo pack. The 2 internal cells have been encased in a hard resin and for connecting the battery to your cars electronics the pack features 2 sockets on one end for easy connection. As with all LiPo’s they feature a low internal resistance, give lots of power and this pack is around 60% of the weight of a comparable NiMh Sub-C6 cell type pack.

Source: Extreme Racing []