March 9, 2007

Team Orion Vortex Brushless

Team Orion Vortex Brushless

Earlier today we showed you the very first picture of the new Peak Vantage BL, well now we have learned that Team Orion have started shipping their long awaited entry into the brushless motor scene as well, with this, the Vortex. The motor that the Vantage BL is based on, the Vortex has been developed by top motor guru Oscar Jansen and has already won its first major race, on its debut outing, in the hands of Andy Moore at last years European Championships. Team Orion have continued to develop the motor further and finally its ready and should be available in the shops in the next 10 days.

To find out more information about the Vortex, go here.

Source: Team Orion []

March 9, 2007

SM BOSS .12 TC motor

SM Boss .12 TC motor

Now that the World Champion GRP made Ninja .12 motor has finally been released to its expectant public, the other brand of motors made by GRP and Mario Rossi can come out too. The Schepis Model, BOSS branded, GRP motor has been released, and well what can you say about it other than its a World Champion motor with a different, blue, cooling head. The set that it comes in looks pretty sweet, which comes with exhaust system, sew on badge, decals and other promo things including a CD, although I’m not sure whats on it.

You can check out lots more images here.

Source: RC Bazar []

March 9, 2007

First Picture – Peak Racing Vantage BL motor

Peak Motors Vantage BL

This is the first picture of the soon to be released Vantage Brushless motor from Peak. Made using the same pedigree as the previous motors in the World Champion Vantage range, the Vantage BL is Peaks first entry into the competition brushless motor market. Longer run time, with maximum power throughout the entire run, combined with superior braking shows this motor is meant for serious racers and it works with all the leading sensored and sensorless 1:10 brushless ESC’s.

Source: Peak Motors []

March 8, 2007

Motonica P8.0R 1/8th 4wd up close

Motonica P8.0R

Just before the Nurnberg toy fair in February, we brought you the first pictures of the new P8.0R from Motonica. Well now thanks to our site sponsor, The Border, we now have the full set of studio images for this rather attractive car as well as the new 4wd Base and Classic cars, the latter which you have already seen on this site. If you like what you see, the P8.0R can be pre ordered by clicking here, with the car expect to be in stock by the end of march with the Classic one month later.

View more pictures of the car here… content

March 8, 2007

Riemon Speed Works shaft drive Xray?

Riemon Speed Works

Japanese company Riemon Speed Works are showing a shaft drive car on their site that they hint at being an Xray shaft conversion. Its a very nicely made car if it is a conversion but i cant really see the Xray in this particular car, apart perhaps from the front bumper mount which looks familiar. Whatever it is, we have pictures of it and you can check them out below.

Click more to see the pictures… content

March 8, 2007

Roga fuel confirms Gomez and Batlle

Roga fuel confirms Gomez and Batlle

Roga Fuels have announced that they have signed top Spanish racers Richi Gomez and Robert Batlle for 2 years to use their fuels. The two drivers, who both recently signed to use AXE Rossi engines, will use the companies latest RACE mixture that uses specialist production processes to ensure exceptional performance and lubrication.

Source: Modellismo RC []

March 8, 2007

Atomic RC Alu heat sink for Mini-Z AWD

Atomic RC Alu heat sink for Mini-Z AWD

Atomic RC have shown CAD images of their soon to be released blue anodised, and sweetly machined, aluminium cooling heat sink for the Mini-Z AWD. Mounted to the car the scoop sticks out the side of the chassis and channels air to the motor and electronics, keeping it all nice and cool, and because the whole thing is aluminium the heat will be easily dissipated too.

Click here to see more images of it… content

March 7, 2007

Laro D4 Pro Special Parts

Laro D4 Pro Special Parts

Mantua Models, makers of the Laro D4, have released these new grey anodised 7075 aluminum optional parts for the D4 Pro 1/8th scale buggy. Available seperately, or even better, you can buy them in a set, which consists of all 7 pieces and will cost you 89 euros and do everything you would expect pieces like this to do such as add a bit of strength along with a bit of bling.

Check out some more images of the parts in place here… content