March 7, 2007

Solaroli Tuning Picco Evo2 .21 and .12

Solaroli Tuning Picco Evo2

Solaroli Tuning, if you haven’t heard of them, is a company run by top Italian racer Stefano Solaroli who, amongst other things, tunes motors like only Italians know how. While he tunes all different makes of motor, his current pair of offerings are from Picco and are based on the new Evo2 .21 and .12 engines which in turn is similar to the current range of Mega ZX engines. Stefano has done all the usual work like porting the liner and working, optimising and polishing the crankshaft to get the absolute most from the engine. Expect them to be fast but suprisingly they arent too expensive despite all the hand work done to them.

Check out the image of the .12 engine here… content

March 6, 2007

French Engine regulation Row

French engine regulation row

There is a bit of a storm brewing in France with regards the new EFRA rulings that allow the previous Outlaw crankshafts be used in EFRA legal motors. The row stems from a long standing FVRC (French Federation) regulation that states that EFRA rules will only be adopted 1 year after they are decided upon. The new engine regulations according to the FVRC do not fall under this year delay and are to be implemented immediately, so far all is fine. But it starts to get tricky when a certain French engine manufacturer objects to the new engine regulations being implemented this year and thus causing the new .12 Ninja motor, that has only just been released and only supplied with the current EFRA legal crankshaft to be illegal, therefore stopping the use of this engine completely in France. Of course the engines importer is fighting back and the battle is continuing on, and you can check out some info about it here and here (french).

March 6, 2007

New CRF Exhaust pipe – Spyshot

CRF .12 pipe - Spyshot

We obtained this spyshot of the latest, as yet to be released, CRF exhaust pipe which has been developed for use with Team Orion Wasp CRF .12 engine and it is one of the first fruits of the partnership between Adrien Bertin and his new employer Team Orion. This exhaust is supposed to give, whats already a very quick engine even more punch, especially in the bottom end, and we were also told that this pipe was used by Adrien in combination with the Wasp CRF .12 at the Melzo track in Italy to hit a top speed of 107 kmh, while his previous fastest speed, with Sirio, was only 103kmh, which is quite a big difference. We hope to bring you more information when this exhaust is released in the near future.

March 5, 2007

GM Racing Genius and programmer

GM Products Genius and programmer

More stuff from German company, GM Racing, with the release of new models to their range of Genius brushed / brushless speed controllers, namely the 50, 85 & 100. This new range features new software specially designed for model cars and boats, but also suitable for model aircraft and the Genius 85 and 100 sport a splashproof case, though only when used sensorless and as is the norm, the controller can automatically detect cell type, cell amount and motor type as well. Something to note is that Marc Fisher used a Genius 95 controller to win last months Snowbirds in 1/12th scale, so the pedigree is undeniable. Also available to compliment the GM Genius is this 2 line LCD screen programmer that allows you change the settings of the controller without the need for computer, something similar to what we saw from Quark.

More details can be found here (speedo) and here (programmer).

Source: Graupner []

March 5, 2007

GM Racing Evo3 and Dr. Speed Brushless motors

GM Racing Evo3 and Dr. Speed

GM have released two new ranges of brushless motors for both competition and sport applications. First up is the new Evo3 competition motor which is a highly efficient, reliable and top end performance motor which is sensored for smooth and reactive control and which features multiple, extra-thick, windings together with an extremely low-loss design and sintered neodymium magnets to ensure enormous power and high efficiency. With the ability to adjust the sensor timing and the motors use of large cooling slots, you can really get the maximum from this motor. The Dr. Speed sport motor is similar to the Evo3 but is intended for sport applications, with both motors are available in a large number of winds and wind types.

More details can be found here (Evo3) and here (Dr. Speed).

Source: Graupner []

March 5, 2007

Piktor Rush 2 clutch system

Piktor Rush 2 clutch system

Introducing the original clutch system from the Piktor Rush 2 1/8th scale buggy. Continuing in Piktors aspirational way of telling us about their products they start by informing us how the best clutch to have is the one you forget, without worrying about it and the need for too much maintenance. It must also engage early enough to make the car easy to control, but also give maximum punch to propel you forward yet it must also slip a little bit to make it possible for the engines to breathe. The new clutch system in the Rush 2 does all this and more…apparently.

Source: Piktor []

March 5, 2007

LRP release the A.I. speed controller


Yesterday we told you about the new Evil controller from Nosram, well if you prefer blue in your car here is the exact same product from LRP called the A.I. Aimed at the sports class the A.I., as with all modern speedos, can automatically detect the motor (brushed, brushless) and cell type (NiMh, Lipo) and can work with 4, 5 or 6 cell configurations. The standard version can handle brushed systems up to 10 turns and brushless to 12.5 turns, whilst the ‘Pro’ version (above) can handle brushed systems up to 7 turns and brushless to 8.5 turns. LRP are also releasing their version of the Dragon brushless motor that we showed you yesterday called the Eraser so you just need to choose whether you like LRP blue or Nosram red, its that simple.

Source: LRP []

March 4, 2007

Nosram Evil Brushless controller

Nosram Evil Brushless controller

More product news from Nosram, this time its the release of the Evil, a new brushless/brushed speed controller. This new speedo comes in 2 versions, and both are intended for sports racers with both versions of the Evil featuring reverse as well as being fully waterproof. This controller, as with all modern speedos, can automatically detect the motor (brushed, brushless) and cell type (NiMh, Lipo) and can work with 4, 5 or 6 cell configurations. The standard version can handle brushed systems up to 10 turns and brushless to 12.5 turns, whilst the ‘Power’ version can handle brushed systems up to 7 turns and brushless to 8.5 turns.

Source: Nosram []