November 9, 2006

Serpent release drive calculator

Serpent drive calculator

Belgian racer Christophe De Vocht has developed a Drive Calculator program to work out drive ratios for all of Serpents current, and some older, models. The user can input all the pulley sizes as well as the tyre diameters for it to work out the ratio, it will also suggest a tyre size to get a user determined front to rear drive ratio too. As far as we are aware Christophe has also made versions for other manufacturers too.

You can download the drive calculator here or from the 960, 835 and 720 download pages on Serpent’s site.

Source: Serpent []

November 9, 2006

Team Magic E4 Concept Car

Team Magic E4

You may remember back from the iHobby show, we wrote about the new Team Magic E4 electric touring car. We were quite harsh about its 3 belt system and centrally mounted batteries and likened to a 1/10th 200mm gas car with an electric motor in it. Well that opinon hasn’t changed but these studio pictures from the Taiwanese manufacturer definitely show this car in a new light and i’m starting to like the look of it, look at how low it is….nice.

Looking at the pictures though also highlights a few issues with the E4, like the fact that the speed controller position looks like an after thought, mounted on the pinion side of the motor.

Check out the pictures for yourself here… content

November 9, 2006

More on the Xray T2007 bearing problem

Xray bearing

Like we reported a while back, the Xray T2007 has a problem with the bearings not lasting the distance. This was originally thought to be the not enough lubrication applied by the bearing manufacturer, well the scientists over in Xray did some more research and found that:

The situation is in fact due to the increased precision and higher tolerances of these ball-bearings; when dust or carpet fibres enter into the ball-bearing it becomes trapped and the ball-bearing locks up and unfortunately, this tends to happen sooner than the previous batch of ball-bearings.

Nice way to put a positive spin on it there guys. Anyway click here to find out what you should do to stop this and maintain your bearings.

November 9, 2006

Team Vertex buggy and truggy

Vertex VTX buggy

Team Vertex have now shipped their new RTR VTX buggy and truggy. These cars, that were announced back in October, seem pretty rugged and definitely look the part, far superior to what you would normally expect from a ready to run. Expect to pay $370 for the truggy and $300 for the buggy.

Hit the jump for more pictures… content

November 8, 2006

Praha jacket from RB Products

RB Products Praha Jacket

World and European Champion engine manufacturer RB Products have just released this stylish new winter jacket. The Jacket is called the ‘Praha’, named after the location where RB Products won their first European off road title with Daniel Reckward.

Very fashionable with its charcoal grey/orange fire colours, this high-quality jacket with a soft polar fleece lining will protect you from bad weather. Made of innovative and technical material, its fabric is hard-wearing.

Source: RB Products []

November 8, 2006

The new Sirio Kanai Evo 3 STI up close

Sirio Kanai Evo 3 STI

Another scoop for Philip over at Neo-Buggy, this time he’s gotten his muddy paws on some up close and personal shots of the new Sirio Kanai Evo 3 STI. Like we showed you yesterday, this is the latest in a line of special Kanai motors from the Italian engine maker and apparently this engine has already won in the hands of Mr. Kanai at the recent Kyosho Masters in Japan.

Head on over to Neo-Buggy for some more pics.

Source: Neo-Buggy []

November 6, 2006

MLC Collari motor by Novarossi

MLC Collari Motor

We’ve all seen the pictures of the new 35 Plus .21 Lamberto Collari engine on the Novarossi site but here is a much nicer pic from Lamberto’s site tself. It is a nice looking motor from Novarossi and it comes in a limited edition pack that contains an exhaust pipe, 3 manifolds and 3 plugs, but wait for the price – RRP EUR750 (US$950)!!! This is a purchase you need to definitely clear with the wife first and perhaps even talk with your bank manager about it too and despite all that if you want one you’d probably want to put your name down now for one before they’re all gone.

Source: MLCollari [] via RC-Junkies []

November 6, 2006

Orcan Extreme motor cooler

Orcan Extreme motor cooler

New from Orcan is this ‘extreme motor cooler’. Now anything with ‘extreme’ in the name, no matter how uninteresting the actual product is, is bound to draw ones attention and this one did just that (plus it looks cool in the picture). Apparently once fitted into your electric car, in little or no time it manages to not just cool your motor, but bring it down to ‘Winter in Finland’ levels of coolness and keep it there. I dont need to explain why thats a good thing. Available now for EUR 89.

Source: SMI []