Top Gun Shootout – Announcement
We were contacted by the organisers of the Top Gun Shootout, an event being hosted by Mid America RC Raceway in Arkansas from the 15th to 16th of May. With support from TOP USA, the race will be open to 17.5 and 13.5 Touring, Trans Am, Mini and Nitro Sedan. From the title, to the awards and even the racing format, this event is planning to be unique in every way. The play on words used to title the event is just a hint at the fun the organisers have planned for the race. Every driver will receive a Top Gun movie related gift, compliments of EJ Evans and Michael Odonel from TOP USA. The top three finishers of all classes will also receive Top Gun movie themed awards, with Aviator glasses and special fighter pilot helmets just some of what will be seen in the winners circle.
More information including the entry form can be found here.