BRCA LMP12 Nationals Rd1 – Report
Round one of the 2019/20 BRCA LMP12 Nationals took place in Eastbourne last weekend. A healthy entry of 60 drivers took part in the weekend’s racing which bodes well for the season ahead. The Eastbourne club has the largest track layout of the season and this year they laid a fast and flowing circuit which was extremely good to drive. As per previous years organisation of the event and the onsite catering kept racers happy all weekend. This year’s BRCA nationals will be even more important with many drivers preparing for the 2020 IFMAR World Championships being held in the UK in January 2020. Saturday is traditionally stock racing day and this year a new class running 17.5 turn motors with blinky speed controllers has been introduced. Alongside this is the 13.5 blinky class which is split into a F1 and F2 Championship.
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