May 6, 2007

Xu Qiliang & Wang Haifeng TQ 555 Cup

Xu Qiliang

This weekend sees the 555 cup take place in Canton (Guangzhou city) in China, which is one of the biggest touring car races in the country. Drivers come from all over mainland China, including Hongkong and Macau, as well as some Japanese drivers join this race which makes it a very prestigous and competitive event. What makes this race stand out more from other touring car races is that it is open to both 1/10 EP Touring Car and 1/10 GP Touring Car. So far the action has been really good and after 3 rounds of qualifying, Mr.Wang Haifeng, from Jing-Hu-Hang RC Team has TQ’d the 1/10 EP Touring Car class, driving Tamiya 415, while in the 1/10 GP Touring car class it is Mr.Xu Qiliang (pictured above), from HK World Model Team, driving Serpent 720, that has taking the top spot. We will report on the finals as soon as we receive the information.

View EP TQ, Mr.Wang Haifeng here… content

May 6, 2007

EC ‘B’ Sunday morning report

Sarah Pierson Action

So the Sunday morning finals have been run and its getting ultra competitive as the finals get faster. Today we have already seen the 1/32, 1/16 and 1/8 finals run. Noticeable happenings on the track is that Nick Cuypers went out while leading his 1/32nd final with engine and then finally radio problems, other pieces of news is that the girls are doing well with Sarah Pierson from France, winning her 1/16th final and then claiming 3rd in the 1/8th to make it to the quarter which if she places in the top 3 will meet other girl racer Sabrina Lechner who is placed directly in the semi.

Click here to read a final by final report… content

May 5, 2007

Direct qualifiers – Interview

Direct qualifiers - Interview

We have even more interviews from the EC ‘B’ event in Belgium, this time from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th placed qualifiers Jerome Renaux, Walti Beat and Eric Dankel. We have already interviewed the pole position sitter Alessio Mazzeo, so now its time to talk to his main competitors for the crown.

Click here to read the full interviews… content

May 5, 2007

1/10th European B Championships – Day 6

1/10th European B Championships - Day 6

We again received a report from Youri Mestdag, who is present at this year European ‘B’ Championships in Roeselare, from the Saturday of the event, which saw the finalists finalised and the lower finals run. Today after the last qualifing we saw Belgian driver Jerome Renaux pop up into the main final with 20 laps in 05:12.053. He became second fastest behind Alessio Mazzeo who also made his best run for this event and both drivers will be joined by Eric Dankel amd Walti Beat in tomorrows main final.

View the final running order and photos here… content

May 5, 2007

Alex Thurston – Interview

Alex Thurston

Even more interviews from the track in Roeselare, this time with the events youngest competitor Alex Thurston. Driving a Serpent 720, Alex won the 1/128 final and after this he finished 3rd in the 1/64 final. Alex is very pleased with this result, he didn’t expect this to happen, “I got my wish today” he says. Lets see what he does tomorrow in the 1/32 final.

Read the full interview here… content

May 5, 2007

Alessio Mazzeo takes Euro ‘B’ pole position

Alessio Mazzeo

Just a quick update to say that qualifying for the Euro ‘B’ championships in Belgium is over and it was Italian Alessio Mazzeo that has sealed his top spot with a super quick run in Saturday mornings rocket round. The cooler conditions in the morning meant that it would be a quick run and so if you didnt improve this morning you werent in with a chance and could see yourself moving backwards. Mazzeo, driving for Serpent, improved his time by 4 seconds to put him 6 seconds ahead of new 2nd place Renaux who improved by over 2 seconds to take the position, demoting Dankel and Beat to 3rd and 4th and knocking Daan Jacobs out of the top 4 into 5th. The lower finals now take place today with the main finals being run tomorrow.

Click here for the final top 20 qualifiers… content

May 4, 2007

1/10th European B Championships – Day 5

1/10th European B Championships - Day 5

Today (friday) was the first day of qualifying for the 1/10th 200mm ‘B’ Championships held in Roeselare, Belgium this week. After 3 rounds, with 1 still left to run on Saturday morning, it was young Italian Serpent racer Alessio Mazzeo who is on the overnight pole position, 2 seconds in front of German Mugen racer Eric Dankel, while 3rd place sees Xray driver Walti Beat of Switzerland. Our man in Belgium Youri Mestdag has once again supplied us with a nice report and photos, and as today is qualifying we get round by round reporting.

You can read the Friday qualifying report here… content

May 4, 2007

1/10th European B Championships – Day 4

1/10th European B Championships - Day 4

So yesterday (Thursday) was day 4 from the 1/10th European Championships in Roeselare in Belgium and apart from yet another day of practice split into groups, it was also opening ceremony day. We have a few pictures from today and some results which seem to only show the final timed practice heat from today and so we cant get a good overview but if we are taking this final run as a proper test, it would see lady racer Sabrina Lechner for Mugen on top followed by Mirko Morgenstein racing for Serpent in 2nd with 3rd going to Kyosho racer Mark Kriesig. But if we were to look only at individual lap times from the information we can access it would put Erik Dankel from Germany on top with a 15.255 followed by Jerome Renaux (15.267), Alessio Mazzeo (15.294), Walti Beat (15.426) and Stephen Brown (15.433). Qualifying proper starts today (Friday) with 3 rounds, with the final round being run on Saturday morning and all are xpected to be run under sunny conditions.

Click here to see some pictures from today… content