Adam Rayls wins big at Illinois State Race
Over the Thanksgiving weekend, Adam Rayls and Ben Ellis attended the 13th Annual Illinois State Race at Rectors RC Raceway in Alboin IL. Saturday was Stock Class Day and Adam was able to secure the TQ and win in the stock truck class. He was also able to get the TQ in stock buggy and finished 3rd behind winner Jacob Robins and 2nd placed Chris Shieldsmith. In stock 4WD, Jacob Robins took the TQ and win for Associated while Adam finished 2nd with Chris Shieldsmith 3rd. On Sunday for Mod Day, Ben Ellis was able to grab the TQ in 2wd Mod ahead of Adam, while in Mod truck Adam got TQ in front of Ben, while in 4wd Mod Jacob Robins took the TQ spot. In the mains Adam was able to get out to and early lead in all three classes and couldn’t be passed. Adam went on to sweep all three classes in the Mains. Ben Ellis finished 2nd in 2WD and 4WD.
Click here to see the class results