July 24, 2007

Much More Hara matched IB4200 cells

Much More Hara matched cells

Much-More have released these IB4200 Atsushi Hara Special matched VR-1X WC cells and as with the same type cells made available yesterday by Morotech, these are best suited for stock racing. Sold in a pack of 6 they are expected to have an average voltage of 1.25+ @ 35 amp discharge and a 0560sec runtime. Available now.

Source: Pit Work [pitwork.co.kr]

July 24, 2007

Much More Luxury Ride Height Gauge

Much-More Luxury Ride Height Gauge

Much More have released a new ride height gauge for measuring the ground clearance of all types of circuit cars. Made from aluminium, the stepped gauges are available in the usual black, blue and purple colours and sport the Much More logo on the side as well the measurements which range from 1mm to 15mm.

Source: Pit Work [pitwork.co.kr]

July 24, 2007

Xray NT1 Graphite Battery Plate

Xray NT1 Graphite Battery Plate

Xray have released details of neat looking new graphite battery plate for the company’s NT1 200mm touring car chassis. Made from premium-quality woven graphite material, this CNC-machined plate has recessed slots for 5-cell receiver pack. Smart design and strong material increases the chassis’ longitudinal stiffness, complementing the cars ‘Multi-Flex Technology’ engine mount.

Source: Xray [teamxray.com]

July 23, 2007

Daily News Round-up

Red RC - Daily Round-up

A summary of other news pieces from around the internet today in our Red RC Round-up:

> Large gallery of pictures from the European Championships – Link [neo-buggy.net]
> Podium images from the Hot Rod Hobbies Shootout – Link [radiocontrolzone.net]
> Video from the European Championships main final – Link [medialpro.com]
> Results from round 4 of the Rio De Janeiro Championships – Link [buggy-sport.info]

July 23, 2007

Darren Johnson wins BRCA 200mm Rd6

Darren Johnson wins BRCA 200mm Rd6

Last weekend saw the 6th round of the 1/10th 200mm National Championship run at the fast Halifax track in the North of England. The weather on Saturday was wet and so practice was limited, but on Sunday the track started damp but dried quickly and stayed dry for the rest of the day and this allowed Kyosho racer, and winner of round 5, Steve Brown to take the pole position ahead of Xray driver Mark Gilliland in 2nd. In the final however it was to be Team Magic racer Darren Johnson that was on form and he could take the lead, and with it the win, 1 lap ahead of pole man Steve Brown with 3rd spot going to Serpent SDD driver Kyle Branson who was 1 lap further back and only 1 second ahead of 4th placed Gilliland.

Click here for the final results… content

July 23, 2007

Kyosho X312T now available

Kyosho X312T now available

We wrote a month ago that the new Kyosho X312T, the .12 motor based on the Team Orion CRF .12, would be made available in Europe on the 10th of July. Well its almost the end of July now, and although its 2 weeks late we have been told that the shipment of engines is now in Europe ready to be sold. The engine, when it was originally badged by Team Orion made quite a splash when it was released, and now that Kyosho has its name on it, and with the engine features some upgrades, expect to see it also making waves, especially when it makes its big time debut at next months European 1/10th Championships in Spain.

Source: Kyosho [kyosho.de]

July 23, 2007

Morotech matched IB4200 WC cells

Morotech matched IB4200 WC cells

Morotech of Japan have released 3 new types of Dragon matched IB4200 VR-1X World champion cells. Featuring super high voltage, these cells are particularly suited to stock racing, and in particular the new sports class that is being run this year in Japan, and so these cells are all recognised by the JMRCA for this class. Sold in packs of 6, the different types range from the super powerful to the not so powerful but with more runtime. Available end of this month.

Source: Morotech [morotech.jp]

July 23, 2007

Edam Razor 1/8 scale on-road car

Edam Razor 1/8 scale on-road car

There is a new gas powered 1/8th scale on the market, from the Taiwanese company Edam. Its called the Razor and it has been created from the ashes of the Yusa XR8 project which seemingly stopped some time ago. Apparently featuring all new moulds for precise fitting of parts, as well as making the parts more durable, this prototype car looks like a mashup between a Kyosho Evolva and the Serpent Vector, with a few other parts thrown in for good measure. The company is currently exploring distribution channels so we dont know when it will be available.

View more photos of the Razor here… content