November 16, 2006

ROAR offer clarification on LiPo cells


We reported earlier this week about the decision by ROAR (US governing body) to ban all LiPo cells outright. They now offer some clarification on that decision and whilst their ruling on banning LiPo’s powering electric motors is final, they are still investigating whether or not to ban LiPo receiver cells or not on the grounds of safety.

For 2007 Lithium Polymer batteries are not permitted to compete with NiCad or NiMh batteries in electric class racing because the voltages are not equivalent nor do the pack dimensions match those currently observed by ROAR and IFMAR. This rule does not currently affect receiver packs at this time, however ROAR is concerned with the overall safety of these cells when located near or around flammable/combustible materials. ROAR will investigate this further.

So you can, for the moment, continue to use LiPo receiver cells at ROAR sanctioned events. We will keep you posted on any further developments.

Source: ROAR []

November 16, 2006

Pro-Line Crime Fighter MTR

Pro Line Crime Fighter

More news from Pro-Line, this time they have announced their Crime Fighter tire, suitable for truggies and monster trucks. Extensively tested by their team riders, these new tires resist expansion thanks to inner ribbing and are more responsive thanks to a less pronounced sidewall but we’ll let Pro-Line tell you more…

Pro-Line is happy to report that the new MTR version of tire is more responsive due to its less pronounced sidewall and has an inner ribbing on the inner diameter of the tire and an inner ribbing on the sidewall of the tire; thus reducing the amount of tire expansion under acceleration and reducing the amount of sidewall flex while cornering.

Source: Pro-Line []

November 15, 2006

Corally RDX Phi, the beast has a name

Corally RDX Phi

A while back we brought you shots of the new RDX electric touring car prototype from Dutch manufacturer Corally. The car did very well at the Team Orion Speed Weekend and finished first and second at the recent Team Orion Cup in France (see pic above). Well it seems that the new car doesn’t like being called plain old prototype so it looked into the dictionary for a while and named itself……the RDX Phi. About as universally difficult to say as when Prince called himself symbol, the new Φ is actually pronounced ‘Phi’, so really rolls of the tongue then. The official slant on the name is “RDX-PHI :: THE INFINITE #1”, whether it keeps this name when it hits production we dont know but one thing is sure that whatever its going to be called its going to be pretty hard to beat never mind pronounce.

Thanks to syndr0me for the heads up.

Source: Corally []

November 15, 2006

RC Pro Final full results now online

RC Pro Finals

OK, this is the last report from last weekends RC Pro Finals off road race that took place in Illinois, i promise. Just a quick post to say that the complete results have bee posted on the official Pro Series site so go check them out. Also check out the track in the image above, amazing setting.

Source: RC Pro Series []

November 15, 2006

EXCLUSIVE – Serpent F180 body shots

Serpent F180 - Red RC
(Click image to enlarge)

Red RC have EXCLUSIVE shots of the new Formula car from Serpent, the F180, that is due to be released in kit and RTR versions in the new year. These pictures have not yet been released and we are privelaged to be the first to get them and be allowed show them to you. In previous pictures there was no body with the car or the body was clear. The 3 pictures of the car, with painted body, that we have really give a clear idea of how it will look on the track and exposes those oh so familiar F1 lines. Thanks to Serpent for giving us the EXCLUSIVE on these images….did i mention EXCLUSIVE….oh yeh i think i did :)

To see more pictures click content

November 15, 2006

Xray secure top 2 places in Curitibano Championship

Brazil Top 2

Having already won the Brazilian Curitibano Championship at the previous round, the pressure was off for new champion Fabiano Franco. This however didnt stop him in winning the last round to cement his position at the top of the Modified standings. Second place at the last round and 5 seconds back on Fabiano was team mate Flávio Salinet who managed to also secure second place in the championship ahead of Otávio Langowski who finished 3rd in the standings.

Sunday morning, with a cold wind, saw the start of the first heat with Flávio in 4th place at the end of the race. Flávio got 1st place with Fabiano Franco in 2nd: both XRAY TEAM DRIVERS. Heat after heat, Fabiano and Flávio were battling until heat 5.

You can read the full report here.

Source: Xray []

November 14, 2006

RCP Professional tools

RCP Pro Tools

Made by, and available through, RC Paradise in Japan are these really nicely made professional RC tools. Ok they are similar to the Hudy design that has been so often copied but these tools feature a very unique red anodised spiral look handle as well as 2 rubber o-rings around the handle to protect it when rolling about the table. They are available in all the usual sizes and types and you can see more of them here.

Source: RC Paradise []

November 14, 2006

HPI Cyclone Moore-Speed edition now shipping

HPI Cyclone Moorespeed

Just a quick heads up to say that the HPI Cyclone Moore-Speed edition has today been shipped from HPI in Japan. This is the car that was made to commemorate Andy Moores World Championship win in Italy this year and if you’ve ordered one you can now start doing a little celebratory dance.

You can read more about the car here.

Source: HPI Japan []