JConcepts carpet/astro high-clearance wing
A new high-clearance wing for 1/10th scale buggies has been developed and manufactured by JConcepts. The HCW incorporates a short-chord design for quick rotation and a flat-base which provides more tire clearance. The durable design has chopped rear corners for rigidity plus a traditional rear trim-line for a great balance of down-force and low-drag. The side-dams of the wing feature hard radius cut-outs which allow even more tyre rear expansion and flex space. JConcepts designer Paul Wynn added dual stability fangs which also help boost the front to rear structure. The rear of the wing still maintains a high-angle to vertical rear dam to give drivers a straight-forward layout suited to high-speed circuits. The HCW is a direct bolt-on piece for most 1/10th buggies and includes two pieces per package. Cut-lines are positioned throughout for trim and tuning options to provide racers feel control over one of the most important elements in 1/10th off-road racing.