January 19, 2007

Novarossi 21-5K off road engine

Novarossi 21-5K

Our friend Philip over at Neo Buggy has once again got some scoopage, this time with this picture set from the new Novarossi 21-5K buggy motor. The successor to the massively popular Plus 21-5 engine, the main differences with the 5K are a P5 sleeve and an updated crankcase all meant to produce more power and overall better performance.

Check out the other internal pics here.

UPDATE: Novarossi have now the full information on this engine up on their site here.

Source: Neo Buggy [neo-buggy.net]

January 19, 2007

Diggity Designs 3D12

Diggity Designs 3D12

A while back we wrote about the upcoming release of the new 3D12 and the CD12 1/12th pan cars from Diggity Designs. Well the cars still wont be available to the general public for another 2 weeks but the 3D12 has been spotted on RC Tech belonging to owner Sean B. The car features an innovative rear floating system as we mentioned before and the quality of the overall kit appears to be top notch but we hope to bring you more details when the car is released.

Source: RC Tech [rctech.net]

January 19, 2007

Much More AAAD discharger

Much More AAAD discharger

Our Korean partner site RC Forum, once again has the scoop on the latest Much More discharger, the AAAD, which is designed for those racers that take their Mini-Z racing seriously. Made to accept AAA cells the system discharges each individual cell at a rate of 500mAh and cuts off at a preset 0.9v. It comes in this cool blue anodised casing and should look good on your pit table as well as aid performance.

Source: RC Forum [rcforum.co.kr]

January 19, 2007

SMC matched cell packs

SMC matched cell packs

CML distribution in the UK have the new SMC matched cells now available and the packs are available in 4, 5 & 6 cells to suit all classes. The batteries themselves are high performance Intellect 4200 mAh matched cells with lower internal resistance and higher average voltage than previous cells.

Source: CML Distribution [cmldistribution.co.uk]

January 19, 2007

RB Products release the C6 combo pack

RB Products C6 combo

RB Products have announced the release of this C6 combo pack for 1/8th circuit racers who want to compete at the highest level. Each combo pack comes with the Rody Roem tuned .21 circuit engine, the C6, as well as the 01006-RC exhaust pipe and conical manifold which is the most suitable exhaust combination to get the best from the engine. This set comes packaged in a presentation box and is available now.

Source: RB Products [rbproducts.com]

January 19, 2007

OCM Kaos DT-19T truggy

OCM Kaos DT-19T truggy

OCM Racing, makers of the Kaos 1/8th scale buggy, have released some cad images of their new truggy, the Kaos DT-19T. The chassis itself looks to have a very standard design for a car in this class with the only stand out feature from the cad images being the Allen key adjusted track rod system that looks like a very neat idea. Expect to see this car in the shops in March.

Source: OCM Racing [ocmracing.com] via Neo-Buggy [neobuggy.net]

January 19, 2007

Piktor reveal Rush 2 body shell

Piktor Rush 2

Piktor, the French company that has been teasing us with images of their all new and rather unique Rush 2 1/8th scale off road buggy, have finally shown us the complete body shell of the car. This computer generated graphic shows the body shells flowing curves, including the F1 type winglets in front of the rear wheels, as well as the unique front wing. I have to say it looks good, now if they would only release the car we’d all be happy.

Source: Piktor [piktor.fr]

January 18, 2007

Marc Kreisig wins Rd2 of RCM Cup

Marc Kreisig wins Rd2 of RCM Cup

In his debut race using the .12 spec 1 RR engine from Axial, Kyosho driver Marc Kreisig has won the second round of the RCM Cup held at the indoor Race Center Munzig. In qualifying Kreisig could only manage 4th position, despite setting a new lap record, behind Ralf Krause, Andreas Giesa and Thomas Fischer. In the race however he had to start from the pit lane but could fight his way back up to 2nd place and, after a mistake from Ralf could take the lead and never looked back to take the win.

Source: Robitronic [robitronic.eu]