August 17, 2007

Xray T2’007 Narrow 2mm Upper Deck Set

Xray T2'007 Narrow 2mm Upper Deck Set

New for the Xray T2’007 is this optional 2mm top deck, a direct replacement for the standard kit version and which makes the car easier to drive because it increases overall traction. This top deck, which comes with the rear carbon brace, is recommend for use on low-traction tracks with either asphalt or carpet.

Source: Pit Work []

August 16, 2007

Mega ZX12 DSII+ EM 2.1cc motor

Mega ZX12 DSII+ EM 2.1cc motor

Serpent have announced another new engine with the release of their latest 2.1cc Mega engine, the ZX12 DSII+ EM, which also features internal work done by engine master Eduardo Picco, with the crankshaft having been lightened and filled with red silicone, while the centre bore has also been increased for better fuel flow. The liner and combustion chamber have been lengthened and there has some of the ports have been tear dropped to optimise fuel flow and improve performance.

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August 16, 2007

Mega ZX21 DSII+ EM 3.5cc motor

Mega ZX21 DSII+ EM

Serpent have announced the release of their latest 3.5cc Mega engine, the ZX21 DSII+ EM, which features internal work done by engine master Eduardo Picco. The crankshaft has been lightened, and filled with red silicone, while the 7+2 port liner has been worked with tear dropping done on some of the ports to optimise fuel flow and improve performance. Each engine uses hand selected parts including the conrod and piston liner, and all have been had assembled by Eduardo himself.

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August 15, 2007

Acer Racing Corally RDX Phi bearings

Acer Racing Corally RDX Phi bearings

Acer Racing, makers of after market bearing sets, have announced that they have begun selling their Ceramic Nitride Pro Series bearing kits for the Corally RDX Phi US and EU versions. These lightweight bearings have been made using diamond polished ceramic nitride balls for the lowest friction, lowest heat build-up, freest movement & smoothest operation. Available now.

Source: RCCA []

August 15, 2007

Schumacher Mi3 new parts

Schumacher Mi3 new parts

Schumacher have today released some new parts for their latest 190mm Touring car, the Mi3. First up we have some new lower wishbones that are now available in 2 extra versions, making it 3 in total, and are an alternative to the ultra stiff versions that come with the kit and are mostly suitable for carpet racing. The new wishbones come in medium stiffness and soft, and are deisgned for lower grip conditions and because they are less brittle they are suitable for racers that tend to crash more. Also new from Schumacher for the Mi3 are 2 new spur gears, 70T 48 pitch and 96T 64 pitch, that have been created to suit the smaller gear ratios being currently used with low wind brushless stock motors.

Click here to see a spur gear… content

August 13, 2007

Parma R11 1/8th Nitro body

Parma R11 1/8th Nitro body

American company Parma have released their latest 1/8th scale gas body shell, the R11, a follow up to their 2006 ROAR Nationals winning R10. The body has been designed to provide more steering as well as providing more rear traction which makes for improved balance and handling. The R11 is available in 2 versions, a normal weight and lightweight version, and both are supplied with side stiffeners and detailed instructions.

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August 13, 2007

HB EU Moore-Speed Reynard 02S body

HB EU Moore-Speed Reynard 02S body

We only briefly mentioned the new EU Moore-Speed Reynard 02S 1/12th scale body in one of our Daily round ups last week, because we had written about it back in February, but today we see that the body will actually be available in 2 different versions, normal and lightweight. Designed for high cornering speeds, this body shell features a sculpted front end and mid section to direct air over the gentle curves of this single-focus body shell giving you superb high speed stability and performance on the straight. Moulded from crystal clear polycarbonate, it features clear over spray film and a decal sheet with headlights and Hot Bodies logos.

Source: Hot Bodies []

August 13, 2007

MID Mugen Seiki decals

MID Mugen Seiki decals

MID, the German based European Mugen distributors, have released this new general Mugen Seiki decal sheet. Featuring a number of Mugen Seiki and MID logos in varying sizes, the sheet also sports some curiously worded ‘Stop the Copy’ sign type logos. Available now.

Source: MID []