July 10, 2007

Corally release lots of Phi Optionals

Corally Phi Optionals

Corally have announced the release of number of new items for their RDX and RDX Phi 190mm touring cars. First up for the Phi are 4 new bulkheads which feature an all new lighweight design that incorporates a lower center of gravity while the design features a milled down surface to allow the use of an extra secure mounting of the newly improved clamps. Those new clamps feature countersunk screw holes to allow the use of an extra screw for fastening the couplers much tighter, to avoid dislocation during impact. And finally Corally have released some new duraluminium turnbuckles which are lightweight, strong and come in 4 different lengths.

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July 9, 2007

Max Carbon setup tools

Max Carbon setup tools

Central RC in Japan have started selling this amazingly cool range of setup tools from Max Carbon. First up is this carbon fibre setup board which has been constructed using aluminium honey comb sandwiched between 2 layers of carbon, making it a very strong, stiff but extremely light setup board. The board is 390mm × 480mm × 11mm and weighs only 500 grams, and at that size can be used with anything up to 1/8th scale circuit cars. Next up are these carbon fibre downstop blocks which again are extremely light thanks to their carbon construction and they compliment the ride height gauge which has been made from solid carbon fibre and can measure heights between 15mm and 2mm. These parts are available right now but they dont come cheap with the board costing over $300, the downstop blocks costing over $130 and the ride height gauge coming in around $50.

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July 8, 2007

Rony Racing Serpent 960 parts

Rony Racing Serpent 960 parts

Rony Racing from Japan have released information about new products they have announced for the Serpent 960. First up are these aluminum rear roll center pivot pin inserts that come in 3 different roll center positions, and are sold in silver and red. Also from Rony is this 3.5mm thick carbon fiber rear shock tower that is not only stronger than the original part but also offer more tuning capabilities with the addition of an extra hole.

Source: Rony Racing [plala.or.jp/rony]

July 6, 2007

Protoform Frizbee 1/8th scale body

Protoform Frizzbee 1/8th scale body

Beating the expected official announcement from Protoform by 10 days or so, RC Tech user, ElliotCanada has a photo of their new 1/8th scale Can Am body, called the Frizbee (not sure if thats the final name or not?). Taken at the recent Canadian Nationals in Hamilton Ontario, the new body is the American companies 2nd new release for this category in 3 months, with the release of the Shadow back in mid May. The body itself sports a number of unique elements such as the lowered center of the rear wing and the use of dimples on the front corners, something similar to what first appeared on the Central body at the end of last year. We will bring you the official word when it is hopefully released later this month.

Source: RC Tech [rctech.net]

July 5, 2007

Atomic RC Body Stiffeners & Mini-Z case

Atomic RC Body Stiffeners

Atomic RC have released 2 new products today, touring car body shell stiffeners and a Mini-Z protective box. Made from lexan, and sold in a set of 5, the body stiffeners are deisgned to fit any modern touring car shell and are fixed in place, on the roof and sides of the body, using 2 sided tape while the stiffening struts of lexan have been creased to provide a solid structure. Next up is this nifty hard board protective case for your Kyosho Mini-Z, which will allow your car to fit securely and, using foam bridges, keeps it securely in place while protecting it from damage.

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July 5, 2007

Kawada TA05 Pro Kevlar white belt

Kawada TA05 Pro Kevlar white belt

Japanese firm Kawada have announced that in the middle of July they will start selling these pro belts for the Tamiya TA05, as well as for their own Sigma 2 chassis. This new white belt differs from the original which uses glass fibres for strength, by using kevlar, which not only means it is very strong and resists strectching but its also softer and therefore provides a smoother drive train for your car.

Source: Kawada [kawadamodel.co.jp]

June 29, 2007

Trinity release the DUO Brushless Motor

Trinity DUO Brushless Motor

Trinity have announced their new DUO line of brushless motors which have been designed to be completely speed control friendly. These motors have been designed with connections for both sensor and sensorless speed controls and will work equally well with either style. You are no longer limited to motor choice because of the type of speed control you already own. Available in 3.5, 4.5 and 5.5 turn versions, expect to see them in July.

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June 29, 2007

Kyosho release Evolva & MP777 Optionals

Kyosho release Evolva & MP777 Optionals

Kyosho France have a number of new optionals for the Evolva and Inferno MP777 displayed on their website that have just been made available. First up for the Evolva are these pretty cool looking setup wheels, which are pretty unique in that its rare to see them for 1/8th circuit cars. They are sold in a set of 4, feature a rubber o-ring around the circumference and are anodised grey. Next up, again for the Evolva, are some lightweight wide off-set front wheel axles that come supplied with spacing shims, we presume to enable you to set the amount of offset required. For the MP777 come some anodised wheels nuts in brown, red and blue and also available are aluminium steering blocks, that feature nylon inserts for using smaller bearings.

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