Pro-Line 1967 Mustang clear body
Pro-Line is proud to introduce the iconic 1967 Mustang clear body to the no prep drag racing scene. The front end features a massively inset grill and headlights just like the full-size muscle car, which is only made possible with Pro-Line’s proprietary moulding technology. This Mustang body has been faithfully recreated in 1/10 scale size and tuned specifically for drag racing. The body comes clear giving you the option to paint the body however you desire and Pro-Line even includes a drag-style rear wing to keep you going straight down the track. If you are a Mustang fan, then this is a must-have body for your drag car. Get your own 1967 Ford Mustang body today. To create the most scale look possible, the body is designed with a narrower track width than a traditional SC body. It is a direct fit on the AE DR10 and the Losi 22S No Prep Drag Car, and your 2wd Slash will require some new parts to fit correctly.
View more angles of the Mustang here